50 How- To’s

50 How-To's

  1. Jump rope
  2. Start a fire
  3. Put out a fire 
  4. Sell Girl Scout cookies 
  5. Speak Spanglish 
  6. Be an Edgar 
  7. Be an opera singer 
  8. Be a vsco girl
  9. Make oat milk 
  10. Write fanfic 
  11. Save money 
  12.  Pet a cat
  13. Pet a duck
  14. Sissy that walk
  15. Do impressions 
  16. Make a website
  17. Peel an orange
  18. Start WWI
  19. Make a Tiktok
  20. Make a button
  21. Walk a dog
  22. Write a joke 
  23. Study film
  24. Be a film critique 
  25. Interact with zoo animals 
  26. Draw zoo animals 
  27. Be tall
  28. Be an e-boy
  29. Network 
  30. Make the first move 
  31. Have a mental break down
  32. Dye your hair 
  33. Cut your bangs 
  34. Use chopsticks 
  35. Cook rice 
  36. Be an art student 
  37. Play ultimate 
  38. Navigate Fullerton 
  39. Be an AP
  40. Cook beans 
  41. Make gumbo
  42. Be goth 
  43. Be scene 
  44. Vibe
  45. Give a vibe check 
  46. Be a kid
  47. Ride a bike
  48. Be a kid evil kenivel 
  49. Tweet
  50. Dab
